If you work in an environment that requires you to be off site a lot of time, how do businesses ensure that you are happy with the work you are doing and the company that you are doing it for?
A company may send out a quarterly survey, they may send out an annual survey, but that only measures a point in time and is often the NPS (Net Promoter Question) it does address how you are feeling or whether you are happy. A lot of weight is placed on an NPS score at workplaces but do employees really care about it and do they answer how they feel or answer with any compassion for the question? This is a question I have been asking myself recently, do I just give an answer that the employer what’s to hear, do I believe them when they say an emailed survey is anonymous? If I am honest I do not. Thus is it representative?
- Web Smiley Employee Satisfaction
With the latest update to the Web Smileys by HappyOrNot you can now add feedback to why you pressed the smiley you did. This is a great step forward as it now allows me to capture how an employee feels as well as the additional comments that I can analyse to understand some of the why. It is easy for me to extract the comments and apply a tag cloud to them highlighting the key words being used.
So from an employee perspective, I could have the web smileys on my intranet pages, the internal content that both my onsite and offsite employees utilised on a daily or weekly basis, this could even be my time sheeting or expense online systems. Enabling me to capture how they are feeling on a daily frequency, across my different working locations, allowing me to provide feedback to them on a weekly or monthly basis and improve the overall life of my employees. As we all know happy employees: Deliver better service to our customers, they are more loyal and at the end of the day enjoy coming to work.
So why not take a look at our web smileys and take a step back and think what is the value of our current survey, what if we could measure employees happiness continuously, would this create a better place to work and in the end increase revenue and reduce cost of churn? Get in touch.